Fluxys hydrogen appointed as operator hydrogen network Belgium


Belgium – Fluxys hydrogen, a subsidiary of Fluxys Belgium, will operate the hydrogen transmission grid in Belgium for the next 20 years. Fluxys hydrogen’s mission is to develop a pipeline network throughout Belgium.

The appointment as “HNO” – Hydrogen Network Operator for Belgium – is a milestone to realize the energy transition. Based on Fluxys’ decades of expertise in gas transport, the subsidiary Fluxys hydrogen was established in 2023 to develop the necessary infrastructure to transport hydrogen, an essential molecule to meet climate goals.

In line with the federal hydrogen strategy, Fluxys hydrogen will undertake the development and operation of a hydrogen pipeline network, part of the “European Hydrogen Backbone.” This will allow the necessary low-carbon energy to be transported both for the Belgian market and neighboring countries.

Fluxys hydrogen is making preparations to lay the first pipelines in the industrial clusters that have clearly communicated the need for hydrogen, supported by the “Relance and Recovery Fund”.
