Erma First’s CCS system gets green light from Lloyd’s Register


United Kingdom – Lloyd’s Register (LR) has awarded Approval in Principle (AiP) to Erma First for its amine absorption-based Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) system.

Erma First’s CCS system uses absorption technology to mix CO2 (carbon dioxide) flue gases with a proprietary amine solvent, which is then heated to produce a chemical reaction which reverses the absorption and separates the CO2 from the solvent. The CO2 from this process is then liquified and stored under cryogenic conditions onboard with the solvent ready to use in the same process again, creating a regenerative loop for CCS.

This technology has the potential to capture a significant amount of CO2 from exhaust emissions, which will help ship owners and operators to meet and exceed the IMO’s strengthened emission reduction targets. It will also help to increase the lifecycle of their vessels.

LR’s AiP, as part of the Risk-Based Certification process, has enabled the technology to achieve this important milestone and allows Erma First to proceed with onboard pilot testing of the application.

CCS technology

CCS technology has the potential to help the industry meet its ambitious emissions reduction targets and reduce its environmental impact.

In addition, the development of CCS technology could make the maritime industry more attractive to investors. Investors are increasingly looking to invest in companies that are committed to reducing their environmental impact.
