‘We are ready to take this new challenge’

Chemcycling Circular economy Electrification Summit

The Netherlands – ‘People are our raw material’, professor Bert Weckhuysen stated last week during EIES2021. As a professor at Utrecht University, he wants to educate people who are connective.’ They have to be connectors who are able to connect society, industry, us.’ Watch his talk.

The scientific director of the scientific-industrial platform ARC CBBC is optimistic about the transition that is needed. ‘We have solved many of our issues; ozone, acid rain and more. We are ready to take on this new challenge. Not only with sufficient positivism, but also with realism. Get the available technology off the shelves, transform now and let’s do what we can to meet the challenge before 2050.

Wim Raaijen
I am a creative publisher, editor in chief, writer, vlogger and moderator with a journalistic and philosophic based view. Trying to re-invent the concept of publishing, based on platforms and partners, instead of separated media and advertisements. I am interested in industrial subjects like transition, sustainability, safety, energy efficiency, innovation and responsibility.