EU unveils plan to capture and store CO2 emissions


Europe – The European Union (EU) is formulating comprehensive plans to capture and store hundreds of millions of tons of CO2 emissions by 2050.

The draft outlines a specific target: capturing up to 450 million tons of CO2 annually by 2050. Sectors like cement and chemicals, which may struggle to adopt greener technologies, are highlighted for focused attention. The EU, responsible for emitting 3.6 billion tons of CO2 equivalent in 2022, acknowledges the need for a strategic approach to rein in emissions.

A significant portion of the captured CO2 is slated for permanent storage underground, a proven method for preventing emissions from entering the atmosphere. Additionally, some captured CO2 will find application in industrial processes, particularly in sectors like chemicals manufacturing.

Sectoral breakdown

The draft delineates a sector-wise breakdown, emphasizing that 100 million tons of captured CO2 will stem from the power sector. This includes power plants operating on fossil fuels emitting CO2 and “biogenic” sources such as organic waste. An additional 200 million tons of CO2 will be directly captured from the atmosphere to offset remaining emissions in 2050.
