Green light for Viking CCS onshore CO2 transportation pipeline


United Kingdom – The Planning Inspectorate has accepted for examination Harbour Energy’s application to build the Viking CCS onshore CO2 transportation pipeline, marking a significant milestone in the development of the Humber’s carbon capture, transport, and storage (CCS) project.

This critical infrastructure will play a pivotal role in decarbonizing the region’s industries and contributing to the UK’s net-zero emissions targets.

The 55-kilometer onshore pipeline will utilize advanced technology to safely transport captured CO2 from industrial facilities to the storage site. The pipeline will be buried underground to minimize environmental impact and ensure public safety.

Transformative impact

The Viking CCS project is expected to have a transformative impact on the Humber region, enabling industries to decarbonize their operations and fostering a more sustainable future. The project will also create numerous employment opportunities and attract further investment to the area.

The acceptance of the Viking CCS onshore CO2 transportation pipeline application is a significant step towards realizing the project’s ambitious goals.
