Uniper transforms German salt caverns into hydrogen storage facilities


Germany – Uniper Energy Storage is set to transform salt caverns in north-west Germany into vast hydrogen storage facilities, with an initial capacity ranging from 250 to 600 GWh.

Uniper’s primary goal is to establish up to 600 GWh of hydrogen storage capacity by 2030, contributing significantly to the development of a stable and reliable hydrogen market. This aligns with broader objectives of accelerating the energy transition, securing the hydrogen supply chain, and catering to industries challenging to electrify.

Repurposing salt caverns

The chosen technology involves repurposing salt caverns, a method already matured for large-scale hydrogen storage. Salt cavern storage systems offer efficient and rapid injection and withdrawal capabilities, providing a secure and responsive solution to fluctuations in hydrogen production and demand. Uniper’s approach combines industrial maturity with the adaptability required for a dynamic energy landscape.

Large-volume hydrogen storage is pivotal for ensuring a stable supply of hydrogen, especially considering the anticipated fluctuation in production by 2030. Uniper’s initiative is poised to support the hydrogen economy, serving industries difficult to electrify and offering potential applications for long-duration energy storage, thus aiding in better management of renewable energies.
