HYTE Vlog#11 From grey to blue to green at Air Liquide


Belgium – In Antwerp HYdrogen Trail Europe (HYTE) made a stop to visit the new generation SMR-X of Air Liquide plant, on Covestro’s site. In 2020 the company opened this innovative steam  – perhaps her last – more or less – traditional one. But more efficient than ever. During our visit to the plant we had a closer look.

Interesting to hear the company’s strategy for lowering the carbon footprint , but also our vision for enabling a hydrogen society by decarbonising hard-to-abate sectors such as industry and heavy transport.

Wim Raaijen
I am a creative publisher, editor in chief, writer, vlogger and moderator with a journalistic and philosophic based view. Trying to re-invent the concept of publishing, based on platforms and partners, instead of separated media and advertisements. I am interested in industrial subjects like transition, sustainability, safety, energy efficiency, innovation and responsibility.