Europe – June 16-28, Industry & Energy will go on its third trail through Europe. Now along innovative industrial biotech projects. So away from conference halls to the places where new routes for the production of materials and protein are emerging. Who will join us?

In recent years we have been on the road for the Hydrogen Trail Europe (Hyte22) and the Electro Trail Europe (Electe23). Various innovative industrial projects in Europe passed the review in the travellers’ vlogs and blogs. For instance, students and young professionals travelling with them discovered the – at the time – largest green hydrogen plant in Puertollano (Spain), saw the future of electric cracking in Ludwigshafen and walked on the site in northern Sweden where a plant for the production of eMethanol will soon be located. No hot air stories, but visits to places where new industry is sprouting.

New routes

From 16 to 28 June, we will hit the road again. This time it is the turn of industrial biotechnology. The Biotech Trail Europe (Bite24) is currently being mapped out, from the Netherlands via Germany to Helsinki, where we are already welcomed by research institute VTT. The return trip will go via Sweden, Denmark and Germany to Belgium. Along the way, we are mainly interested in biotechnology routes for chemistry and food production. The first two travelling companions were already announced in December. Naïm Blansaer and Luis Diaz Allegue are themselves researching biotech pathways at the University of Antwerp. In particular, they are focusing on bacteria that can make high-quality protein from hydrogen and CO2.


Meanwhile, the group is starting to grow, but there is still room for some fellow travellers. We will travel by EV and boat and we will vlog and blog along the way. If you are interested yourself or if your company wants to make it possible for a young professional, PhD candidate or expert to join the trip, contact editor-in-chief Wim Raaijen, [email protected], for the conditions.

Travel companion Luis Diaz Allegue tells about his Biotech research at EIES23