The Netherlands – There are many large hydrogen plans on the Rotterdam Maasvlakte. From the roof of the Uniper power station it is easy to see where various assets are planned. As a prelude to the Hydrogen Trail Europe, Industry & Energy already paid a visit to Rotterdam. HYTE vlog#1 is ready.
Next to the power station a 100 megawatt green hydrogen plant is planned, Joost ten Hoonte of Uniper shows us in the vlog. And in the distance is the North Sea from which 7.5 gigawatts of wind energy will come ashore by 2030. He can also point to the place where Port of Rotterdam wants to build a conversion park. Various parties will soon be building hydrogen plants there. Meanwhile, 1 gigawatt is in the planning and the first plant should produce hydrogen in 2025. From there, Gasunie will build an infrastructure to the industry, a little further inland.
From June 27 to July 8, 2022, the editors of Industry & Energy will set off with four young professionals for the HYdrogen Trail Europe. Along the way they will blog, vlog about industrial hydrogen projects. They will also make a documentary and publish articles in magazines and on sites.
Central questions: what can we already see of the role that zero-emission hydrogen will play in Europe? And what are the next steps? From the North of the Netherlands, the Route goes via Germany and possibly Switzerland to Portugal and Spain. The return journey is via France and Belgium.