Emilia-Romagna region gives €19.5M to HERA-SNAM hydrogen project


Italy – The Giunta region of Emilia-Romagna has granted 19.5 million euros to the joint Hera and Snam project for the development of a green hydrogen production pole in the municipality of Modena, as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR).

The tender-required building of this pole will take place in an abandoned industrial location, the depleted landfill in via Caruso in Modena, with no use of useable land.

The region will specifically host a 6 MW photovoltaic park coupled to an electrolyser – a device designed to extract hydrogen from water via the electrolysis process – which will produce up to 400 tonnes of hydrogen per year owing to the utilisation of electricity supplied by the photovoltaic field. The pole will be finished with a battery for electricity storage in order to run the electrolyser even at night.

The total anticipated investment for these operations is 20.8 million euros.

Project contribution

The two firms will play diverse but interwoven roles in the building of the industrial hub: Hera SpA will be the primary partner, Herambiente will be in charge of the photovoltaic plant, and Snam will be in charge of the hydrogen production plant.

The Hera Group and Snam will make a tangible contribution to the Emilia-Romagna Region’s carbon neutrality through the implementation of the IdrogeMO project. In fact, it is predicted that a portion of the hydrogen produced will be able to offer local public transportation companies with vehicles powered by green molecules, as well as a portion of the production may be destined for the local industrial sector for decarbonization of its operations.
